If you’re looking for a new role in the healthcare industry, you know a few things for sure. 1.) Your resume needs to be polished, professional, and up-to-date. 2.) Employers want relevant skills. And, of course, 3.) You may never hear back from any of these postings…ever.
Don’t take it personally: It’s a saturated market. But if you’re not using the full breadth of resources that come with your Indeed profile, you might miss out on that glorious right place, right time magic.
The thing is, many job seekers create an Indeed profile because it’s free and easy—and it is. But they don’t realize how free and easy it also is to *complete* their profile and boost their chances.
As such, we created a rundown of key Indeed profile features you can leverage ASAP to help stand out in the crowded healthcare market. It’s more than a resume—it’s a career magnet.
Pause on typing up the 19th rendition of that cover letter for a sec, and join us for some tips and tricks.
Judge a profile by its cover
The healthcare industry is a busy space. Whether you’re looking to pivot or level up in your current role, it can be difficult to find the right opportunities—or ones that aren’t already full to the brim.
That’s why Indeed is designed to find and bring opportunities to you, not the other way around.
It all starts with your profile. An Indeed profile is built to showcase job seekers to employers. The more updated and specific you make it, the more likely you are to hit the job jackpot.
Update your profile to include your qualifications and preferences, which helps align you with job postings so employers can immediately spot your skills and experience. When you build your unique profile with curated prompts and updated info, Indeed can tailor your recommendations aptly. You can even add salary preferences onto your profile, so you’ll only see jobs that meet your minimum requirements.
Job seekers with preferences or qualifications saved in their profile are 78% more likely to have a positive interaction with an employer after submitting an application than those without. They’re also 82% more likely to be contacted by an employer after submitting an application.*
Keep your AI on the prize
If you’re looking to refine your profile further, tap into Indeed’s AI capabilities.
Indeed’s AI features can enhance your existing resume by creating high-quality bullet points that showcase your experience. (And if there’s one kind of bullet point we love, it’s a high-quality one.)
As a sneak peek, Indeed is working on a new resume-building feature that will allow you to create customized resumes with enhanced tools, saving you the legwork. Review the finished product, polish as needed, and presto, you’re ready to apply.
The Indeed Careers in Care platform already offers an AI-powered Instant Resume Report, where you can get data-driven insights to help you tailor your resume to find better work, all for free.
Plus, with Indeed’s Profile Settings feature, you can make it easier for employers to find you. Indeed makes it simpler to spot every specialized needle in the haystack, especially in the bustling healthcare space.
You have a match
When you apply for jobs, you’re usually the one doing the scouring. You scroll through tons of (or maybe not enough) healthcare postings before finally landing on a fit—or a somewhat fit.
Indeed’s Job Match is designed to cut down on that manual labor, big time.
With Job Match, you’ll receive an invitation that links you directly to opportunities that align with the info on your profile. Pediatric dentistry? Occupational therapy? ER nursing? Done, done, and done.
Job Feed also exists to help you jump on opportunities that fit more closely with your goals. You’ll get recs based on the skills, qualifications, and preferences you outline in your profile. Best part? The feed is yours, and the alerts come to you. No more scouring.
Indeed Careers in Care’s curated job boards exclusively highlight employers who include pay information. And with the capability to list salary requirements on your profile, it becomes all the simpler to only see opportunities that align with your needs.
Apply—your learnings
So you’ve got your Indeed profile on lock, and you’re pretty proud of how it's come together, as you should be.
Now it’s time to fill out a bunch of applications in a tedious, repetitive manner, right?
Maybe not. In the not-so-distant future, Indeed’s upcoming features can make this process way easier. When your profile is ready to go, you’ll actually be able to transfer your information directly to the application.
And with Indeed Apply (which is available right now), you can apply to healthcare jobs on their platform in under a minute using Indeed’s insights to strengthen your application.** Yep, that’s what’s possible with advanced features like these ⬆️ on your team.
One healthy profile
Whether you’re the heart of the operation on the nursing floor, in a lab, in an administrative space, or in the operating room itself, a polished Indeed profile can be the heart of your career growth.
Indeed is built to bring the right opportunities directly to you. All you have to do is make your profile ready to receive them. (If you build it, they will come, right?)
Refer back to this handy explainer whenever you need a refresh on how to elevate your search, opportunities, and potential.
Indeed’s ready when you are.